
My ancestors are smiling
My ancestors are smiling

my ancestors are smiling my ancestors are smiling

Why did she lie? Finding the truth about Daisy became the impetus for writing this book. Louis, Missouri, for decades, until a Dooley cousin told me in 2006 that my grandmother was actually born in the Deep South. Also interesting was the tale she told about her birthplace. That set me off on a forty year + adventure to find out who those people were. Grandma Daisy said we had European, African, and Blackfoot Indian blood. I wrote letters to both grandmothers asking why we look the way we look. I never claimed anything other than African beginnings, but I really didn't know about our lineage. An elder, African American co-worker asked who the white people were in my family on my third day at work. Truly, my interest in family history started with my indomitable grandmother, Daisy Rae Dooley Marshall Schumake, in 1976. Many thanks go to the beta readers who commented on my manuscript chapters over the past half a year. I am so pleased to reveal that my third book, Finding Daisy: From the Deep South to the Promised Land is being reviewed by the editor.

my ancestors are smiling

"Finding Daisy: from the Deep South to the Promised Land" And the winner is: "The Mystery of Margaret Booker" e-Book was released on Halloween 2020! Buy e-Book Here Join the " Finding Our Bookers" Facebook page to stay tuned to the latest happenings.

my ancestors are smiling

Twice as many (34%) voted for "The Mystery of Margaret Booker" than the runner up, "A Woman Named Margaret." One-third of respondents liked layout #5 with the purple colors and the African figure painting on the back created by my talented mother, Mary Marshall. Many thanks to all of you who participated in my survey to choose the best cover for my upcoming book. Creating a Book Cover for my latest book about our Booker Family - THE RESULTS

My ancestors are smiling