
Mod it until it crashes
Mod it until it crashes

mod it until it crashes

Going into more details, this mod is basically an automated way of using a hex editor. That is of course until Guerrilla fixes them via a patch. If you’ve been experiencing such crashes, you may want to give this mod a go. Isolated incidents of oddness will be chalked up to “sh*t happens”.Modder ‘WT3WD’ has released a new mod for Horizon Zero Dawn that attempts to fix the crashes caused by memory write errors. Try to be as specific as you can and try to be sure that you can REPEAT the crash/bug.

  • Are you trying to push too many visual effects such as AA, AO, ENB, FXAA and the like?ĬRASHES NOT RELATED TO OVERSTRESSING YOUR MACHINE :.
  • Did you upgrade your shadows via the INI to very high quality, distance, redraw and softness?.
  • Did you set your UGRIDS to load to 7 or more because you thought that was a good idea? It’s not.
  • Have you tried to further optimize your computer now that you’ve gotten this mod?.
  • How many “improvements” have you made to your INI?.
  • Although I have tested and played with a number of mods installed, your results may vary. I know it’d suck to have to compromise, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do: To get the best results while playing WARZONES, you may want to consider these. I will request your Papyrus Log and I’ll know if you cleaned your SaveGame or not. If you’ve chosen to install WARZONES without following the procedure to clean your existing Save Game, then please, I insist that you do before contacting me about bugs. I cannot possibly test every single outcome of every single quest using every single mod.ĬRASHES CAN BE DIRECTLY RELATED TO “DIRTY” SAVE GAMES! The best I can offer is that I don’t release the mod until I’ve tested it on my machine and experienced no crashes. If you’re having a few too many crashes for your taste, try setting the spawn-count to 1. Also, I really have no idea how well you’ve optimized your machine, whether your drives are fragmented, whether you’re playing a “pirate” version (and I don’t want to know if you are), whether you prefer COCA-COLA over PEPSI… none of that info is going to help me help you. I am not a computer engineer so I won’t be able to troubleshoot your machine specs. In this analogy, think of Warzones as a firehose, capable of delivering a lot of liquid really quickly.

    mod it until it crashes

    If you keep filling this cup, eventually it will overflow. Whether you like it or not, Skyrim is a 32-bit game and has limits (even with ENBoost and SKSE). There’s a “limit” to every machine and when it reaches that limit is just – basically – dies. … that reason is that NOT EVERYONE CAN handle the added stress on their computers. You and I have different systems and there is a very good reason why battles on the scope of WARZONES don’t exist in the vanilla game…

    Mod it until it crashes